Sunday 15 February 2009

British Gas, Cardiff

WMW, the creative communications agency, called on BAF’s expertise to produce and install graphics for three major projects at British Gas locations around the country. In Cardiff, for example, a major building move was on the agenda, so the British Gas team needed WMW's help to come up with a creative concept that captured the spirit of the local area while creating a practical framework for office comms.

The resulting work featured specially commissioned local photography coupled with bright ‘wave’ illustrations to represent the energy of the Cardiff people. BAF brought these ideas to life by producing glass manifestations using Rho prints to optically clear polyester film (featuring white ink) as well as Digimura textured wallcoverings. Russell Wilson from WMW said, “BAF’s technical know-how and can do spirit delivered a great finished product and crucially, a very happy client.”

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