Monday 14 December 2009

Newport for Homes

The brief for Newport City Homes called for a contemporary office interior that combined spaces that would offer open relaxed areas for both staff and the public alike. The brief required a corporate identity that could translate into their outstations and would reinstate their corporate values. The solution was to utilise the navy, blues and silver from their corporate palette, whilst adding accent colours to the break out furniture and feature walls to identify key areas.

Graphics and text were used to drive these messages and values in a fun, informal way. Through the use of window treatment and graphics to columns we emphasised the similarities between the brand new four storey central office Nexus, and the older 1960’s built East and West offices.

Saturday 22 August 2009

RIBA Product Selector

BAF Graphics can now be found on the RIBA Product Selector, an essential sourcing tool for Architects and Designers alike.

Thursday 30 July 2009

Pinsent Mason for HKR Architects

The brief was to design some extraordinary visual imagery for this lawyers office in the centre of Manchester to reflect its status as one of the leading lawyers firms in the UK. Designs incorporated various 'Quiet Rooms‘ where colleagues could have private conversations with their clients. To provide privacy and for graphic visual effect, each was branded with iconic images of Manchester Buildings from the Town Hall to the Ferris Wheel Rho 600 printed in white and solid colours onto optically clear film.
Complimenting these Quiet Rooms were three very large elliptical POD shaped Meeting Rooms called 'Skyline 1-3‘. These PODs went from floor to ceiling and also had bright red images Rho printed onto optically clear film providing privacy and a dynamic look to the whole office floor. In the reception area there was a Rho printed commercial wallcovering which had in front of it sheets of glass with printed optically clear film. This 3D effect that gave the reception area a truly memorable look. Branded signage was also produced throughout the offices which complimented the wall graphics.

Sunday 17 May 2009

Burberry HQ

Burberry has relocated to its purpose designed head office at Horseferry House in Westminster, London as part of the Company’s ongoing expansion. BAF produced super wide decorative graphics throughout the building based on the Spring advertising campaign. The new building, totalling 160,000 sq ft over eight floors, comprises cutting edge show rooms, modern contemporary office space together with the original architectural features of the 1930s building. The dynamic interior of the new building has been designed to mirror the quintessentially British values that Burberry represents.

Wednesday 22 April 2009

Hilton Hotel Reading

Seifert Interiors were briefed to create a modern interior with a warm, inviting atmosphere for Hilton Hotels, Reading, which, although contemporary, would not date quickly. They chose to highlight, natural familiar materials such as wood, wool, glass and stone; this was achieved by both specifying the actual finishes as well as introducing them into the artwork and Rho printed wallcovering, shown here using BAF’s textured Digimura, in an over-scaled and abstract way.
The result of this “joined-up” approach to the interior scheme has been to ensure that the guest experiences the same natural, warm ambience, all the way from the main reception to the bedroom. Commissioned by Project Art, this project was further complimented by the inclusion of canvas wrapped artworks, selected by Seifert Interiors for the public areas, which continued the natural theme.


Amway has been this centuries success story for direct selling. Co-founded in the US in 1959, the companies UK Head Quarters in Milton Keynes launched in 1973 as one of the worlds first affiliates. The UK company has grown considerably since then and BAF recently installed graphics for their London Training Centre, set up to educate Amway Business Owners about their unique product ranges including NUTRILITE™ vitamins and minerals and ARTISTRY™ cosmetics.

BAF produced Rho 351 prints to 7-10 year vinyl applied to painted surfaces, reverse i-cut logos to the interior of the buildings glass façade. However, the most striking graphics feature is a 27 metre Vutek printed ContraVision glass fascia across the store front . This has also been applied to internal meetings rooms and corridors.

The result is a learning centre which is both informative and positive mood enhancing, reflecting the ethos of the brand.

Tuesday 10 March 2009

Gant Spring 2009 Showroom

Long term clients Gant commissioned BAF to produce graphics for their showroom for the Spring 2009 collection. Uniquely produced Rho printed Images of the Scottish Highlands and colourful townhouses captured that quintessentially British look reflected in the collection.

Sunday 22 February 2009

Selfridges - Statuesque

Designed to create a theatrical layered setting for a series of Tableau Vivant which combine white plaster effigies of the most classic sculptures in the world with mannequins, like modern crusaders, draped and bound in their new collections.

This striking statuesque scheme features printed and i-cut 5mm Kappa free standing antiqued statues against a printed backdrop.

Sunday 15 February 2009

British Gas, Cardiff

WMW, the creative communications agency, called on BAF’s expertise to produce and install graphics for three major projects at British Gas locations around the country. In Cardiff, for example, a major building move was on the agenda, so the British Gas team needed WMW's help to come up with a creative concept that captured the spirit of the local area while creating a practical framework for office comms.

The resulting work featured specially commissioned local photography coupled with bright ‘wave’ illustrations to represent the energy of the Cardiff people. BAF brought these ideas to life by producing glass manifestations using Rho prints to optically clear polyester film (featuring white ink) as well as Digimura textured wallcoverings. Russell Wilson from WMW said, “BAF’s technical know-how and can do spirit delivered a great finished product and crucially, a very happy client.”

Wednesday 11 February 2009

The CRM London Fertility Clinic, Regents Park

BAF recently produced interior graphics for designer Pat O’Leary. The vertical language of the buildings oak panelling and the trees outside are reflected in graphics featuring a leafy motif which on close inspection reveals the leaves imitate the sperm movement, bringing peace and tranquillity to the treatment areas.

The image is carried across wall and glass via Rho printed direct to Digimura wallcovering continuing to the glass walls of the meeting room with optically clear polyester prints.

Saturday 7 February 2009

The Royal Ballet School

The Royal Ballet School recently opened the White Lodge Museum & Ballet Resource Centre. The exhibition tells the fascinating story of classical ballet, depicted on two curved walls, printed direct to Digimura wallcovering.

Glass is used throughout to enhance the ethereal beauty of the art form and it’s accessories, like delicately layered tutus. BAF printed direct to the Glass showcases using a unique technique to integrate images with a special etched effect.