Sunday 2 November 2008

British Museum: Babylon

For the British Museum’s much acclaimed Babylon exhibition BAF aimed to produce graphics worthy of the rare and precious exhibits. This involved using clever techniques such as Rho prints direct to gold wallpaper and painted panels where background white ink was used to give the images exceptional vibrancy. An ancient wall effect was achieved on a 5m high Rho to vinyl. Careful installation was required co-ordinating with the museum on the care of precious artefacts. Other features include etched Perspex in-cased title panels and considered colour matched ink jet labels to match the museums carefully selected paints and fabrics.

Friday 22 August 2008

BAF is accredited to ISO14001: Environmental Management.

BAFeco-friendly represents our long-term commitment to taking a
more considerate view on the effects our industry has on the
environment. We recognise the importance to be more
environmentally aware and play our part in being responsible for the
environment through better controls on the impact of our products,
activities and services.
The focus has so often been on the reuse or disposal of a product,
yet a significant proportion of the environmental impact is also
incurred during a products manufacture. Our ʻsmall partʼ in the big
picture is to endeavour to offer our clients alternative solutions,
wherever we are able, for products and processes that have a less
harmful impact on the planet.

Tuesday 22 July 2008

The Botanist

A brand new bar/restaurant in London’s Sloane Square featuring a glass wall with images taken from a set of Journals belonging to naturalist Hans Sloane whose vast private collections formed the core of the Natural History Museum and the British Museum. 
Artist and designer Adam Ellis selected, photographed and digitally coloured each individual image before working closely with BAF who printed the images direct to glass. The glass is laminated, low iron and low reflection and works really well in showing off the colour and detail of the prints. Despite being lit from the front, the images appear to be backlit giving the cabinet a real sense of depth.

British Museum: Hadrian Empire and Conflict

Hadrian: Empire and Conflict was the major exhibition at the British Museum in 2008. BAF produced Lambda and vinyl prints with giant gloss portraits to bring this charismatic leader to life in the famous Reading Room in the Museum’s Great Court. This special exhibition explores the life, love and legacy of Hadrian through the dramatic sculpture, exquisite bronzes and architectural fragments associated with his reign. Carolyn Marsden-Smith, Head of Exhibitions personally thanked BAF for their “creative, ‘can do’ approach” which she said was greatly valued on this very important and ambitious project.

Wednesday 13 February 2008

Vanity Fair at the National Portrait Gallery

Hi BAF Graphics Team,

Dan and his crew produced prints for the launch party of the Vanity Fair Exhibtion at the National Portrait Gallery on Monday night. Who wants to go along and have a look?

"This remarkable exhibition showcases 150 portraits including classic images from Vanity Fair's early period, displayed for the first time alongside photographs featured in the magazine since its re-launch.

The exhibition runs from 14 February - 26 May 2008."

Check out the website:

Friday 8 February 2008

About BAF

Large Format Digital Printing & Graphic Production

BAF Graphics is at the forefront of the UK large format and specialist digital print market. Our customers range from designers to clients within the Retail, Exhibition, Events, Museums and the Commercial Interiors market places. Clients include Burberry, Armani, M&S, Selfridges, Clarins, Tussauds Group, BT, Vodafone, Science Museum and many other leading companies and organisations.

The strength of our ability comes from our experience, state of the art technology and crucially our expertise and speed of response. Our capabilities allow us to print imagery digitally using the very latest large format and Lambda photographic print devices and finish them to our clients exacting requirements.

For 25 years we have been producing outstanding quality products for display, promotion and decoration purposes, printing to roll media such as vinyls, paper, banner materials, canvas and wallcoverings as well as direct to rigid panel materials such as wood, glass, laminates and metal. Our print capabilities range in widths up to 3500mm and thicknesses of up to 40mm. We also have the addition of white ink printing capabilities.

Our services have become a valuable resource to designers and clients and we are delighted to have been able to forge many longstanding relationships with clients who rely on us week after week, year after year. Our relationship with each is as unique as each project requires, and ranges from providing creative solutions, artworking, production, mounting, finishing and installation services. .